The latest from our blog

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Perspective: The Language Paradox

Discover how AI is transforming the language industry and the challenges in elevating its importance within global enterprises. Unlock the potential of language technology with a holistic approach.

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Is LangOps the new DevOps for Global Communication?

The text explains LangOps as a transformative operational model for managing multilingual content and communication in organizations. Like DevOps revolutionized software development, LangOps aims to streamline language operations.

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Create More Context-Aware Global Engagement

Stay ahead of the game with the latest LangOps insights from the expert panel at the Crowdin-sponsored LocDiscussion Roundup. Discover advanced strategies, promising technologies, and shifting priorities for multilingual content workflows.

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Content Centralization: The Foundation of Modern Globalization

You might have heard about our office in LA (or not, which is okay too, but not really, so read about it).